119 W Humbird St, Rice Lake, WI 54868


(715) 234-4226



Every Sunday 10:30am 

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The Northern Highlands Benefice (NHB) is a group of four Episcopal churches in the Episcopal Diocese of Eau Claire. The Transitional Deacon in Charge is Dr. Nozipho Dlodlo. The clergy leadership is provided by Father Dave Bauer as Interim Priest-in-Charge and Rev. Marlene Hogue and Rev. Bramwell Richards as Deacons assigned to the Benefice. Each Parish maintains its own Vestry, property and finances while sharing in oversight of the Benefice. Two parishioners from each church serve on the Benefice Board. Our four churches come together throughout the year to worship, support each other in our life of faith, share in events and care for our surrounding communities.

Keep updated! Weekly Readings

Our Team

“Alone we can only do so little, Together we can do so much”

Rev.Dr. Nozipho Dlodlo

Transitional Deacon in Charge

Father Dave Bauer 

Interim Priest in Charge

Rev Marlene Hogue 


Bramwell Richards


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